MEDIA: How far would you go for love? Circumcision?

The guys on OutQ SiriusXM discussed the decision to get circumcised to please your partner. Personally I see it as the ultimate gift you could give your significant other, but can completely understand the big moral dilemma that would cross the uncut guys mind. While there are a couple of false comments showing a lack of understanding eg. “you can’t get an erection for 6 weeks after” &  “It’s incredibly painful to be circumcised as an adult”. Both of which I can attest to being untrue. Regardless It’s a good thing to check out and think about the decision too get snipped to please your lover.

CUT LIST: Ben Affleck


@benaffleck Ben Affleck - IMDb

Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt was born on August 15, 1972 in Berkeley, California, USA, and was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. His mother, Chris Anne (née Boldt), is a school teacher, and his father, Timothy Byers Affleck, is a social worker; the two are now divorced. Ben has a younger brother, actor Casey Affleck, who was born in 1975. He is mostly of English, Irish, German, and Scottish ancestry. His middle name, “Géza”, is after a family friend.
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NEWS: Circumcision Guidelines Target Teenagers

By Roni Caryn Rabin

Doctors should start telling sexually active teenage boys who aren’t circumcised that if they have the surgery, they can reduce their risk of contracting H.I.V. and other sexually transmitted infections from their female partners, federal health officials propose.

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